Hello …My Name is Denny…..

July 14th, 2009

case virtual team work at BP

Posted by Denny Fatahan in case Knowledge Management

Knowing the Drill:Virtual Teamwork at BP

On a cold day on the North Sea in 1995, a group of BP

Exploration drilling engineers had a problem.

Equipment failure had brought operations to a halt—

and because they couldn’t diagnose the trouble, they

faced the prospect of taking the mobile drilling ship

(leased at a cost of $150,000 a day) back to port indefinitely.

Instead, they hauled the faulty hardware in

front of a tiny video camera connected to a newly

installed computer workstation. Using a satellite link,

they dialed up a BP drilling equipment expert in

Aberdeen. To him, the problem was apparent, and he

guided them quickly through the repair. The down

time, as it turned out, lasted only a few hours.

The equipment aboard the ship was there thanks to a

pilot project BP had just undertaken called “Virtual

Teamwork.” The name reflects the aim: to support

collaboration across the barriers of distance and

organizational structure, through the use of

sophisticated technology.

The project had grown out of BP Exploration’s

reorganization a year earlier into forty-two separate

business assets. Prior to that, exploration activities

had been carried out by a few closely controlled

regional operating centers. Believing that smaller,

more autonomous businesses could work more efficiently

and creatively, Managing Director John

Browne had overseen the transformation of the company

into “a federation of assets,” each with the freedom

to develop processes and solutions to serve its

own local needs. The assumption was that some local

initiatives would turn out to be applicable elsewhere

in the company. BP would benefit from the variety

and creative power of forty-two moderate-sized

companies sharing their experiences.1

Good communication was clearly essential to

making the federation work. In videoconferencing

technology, Browne and others saw potential for

fostering some of the creative synergy they

sought. Accordingly, management authorized an

eighteen-month, $13 million pilot project to test

the concept.

Designing the Pilot

Browne asked John Cross, then head of Information

Technology, to lay the groundwork. Cross’s first

decision was that the project should be undertaken

by an independent group formed for the purpose—

not “owned” by Information Technologies. He wanted

to emphasize that the objective was behavior and

work pattern change, not technology. It also made

sense, given the aim of transcending organizational

boundaries, that the project team be drawn from

diverse parts of the company. A core team of five was

appointed, most of whom had had experience in more

than one area. It was led by Kent Greenes, who

worked in Human Resources and had a background

in Operations.

The team began work in December 1994, specifying

hardware and software for the Virtual Teamwork

station (or “client”). The package included desktop

videoconferencing equipment, multimedia e-mail,

application sharing, shared chalkboards, tools to

record video clips, groupware, and a web browser.

A document scanner—a last-minute addition that

proved extremely useful—completed the setup.

Connections were made using ISDN lines and, where

necessary, satellite links.

For the pilot, the team decided to equip five different

communities with Virtual Teamwork clients, to provide

enough variety for a fair test. First, they chose

the Andrew Project group, which was completing a

new drilling platform for an emerging oil field.

The others included a mature oil field group; an

established network of experts who had already

been communicating with each other by e-mail,

newsletters, and occasional meetings; a new network

of geoscientists and engineers formed specifically for

the project; and what the team called the “business

center network.” This last consisted of five VT clients

placed in key BP offices around the world, each with

a full-time “host” whose job was to encourage its use

at that location.

After highly centralized BP Exploration was reorganized into a “federation of assets,”

new ways had to be found to enable knowledge-sharing across parts of the business. One

success has been videoconferencing. BP piloted the technology in five geographically

dispersed work communities, being careful to set clear business goals by which to measure

its value. The project team knew it was not true that “if you build it, they will come.”

People with much to gain from the new capability still required coaching to see how it could

enhance their work.

article abstract

Research Roundup, pg. 87


in Action


An unplanned experiment helped prove them right.

Due to budget constraints, one of the projects—the

new network of geoscientists and engineers—was set

up without coaching. The members of what was called

the Virtual Petrotechnical Team were given VT equipment

and essentially left alone to find uses for it. This

project was the only one of the five that failed. The

problem was not that the group couldn’t make the

technology work—it was fairly simple to operate.

What they lacked was an understanding of why they

should bother. Remarks from the team (“I don’t see

how this fits in with my work.” “The people I want to

talk to are not on the network.”) were similar to those

made initially by other teams. In part because there

was no one to help the group explore the value of the

system and overcome their skepticism, their VT

network declined and eventually fell silent.

Proof of Concept

In the four other groups, once clients were put in

place, project directors were surprised at how quickly

virtual teamworking became an integral part of their

work. Teams began to experience the benefits of the

system within weeks—in some cases within days—and

enthusiasm and use increased.

The Andrew Project provides a good example of the

positive impact of virtual teamworking. The use of VT

technology was one of two innovations on the project.

The other was the decision to complete as much

of the platform as possible on shore before moving

construction to the offshore drilling site. There was

no link between the innovations, but together they

In establishing the goals of the project, the emphasis

was entirely on promoting the achievement of

business goals. Performance agreements were

co-developed by the core team and participants in

each of the five groups. Goals included increasing the

efficiency and effectiveness of decision-making,

reducing costs, adhering to schedules, and solving

problems creatively. Recognizing the importance of

measuring these results objectively, the core team

hired an independent consulting firm to perform the

task. The consultants helped generate the list of

expected benefits at the start and tracked actual

results as the pilot progressed.

The Importance of Coaching

A subgroup of the core team called the Change

Management Team was responsible for helping

participants understand both how to use the

technology and how it could further their work. This

effort was deliberately called “coaching” rather than

“training”: coaches work to get the best out of

players—they don’t simply present information to

passive recipients. Only twenty percent of the

coaches’ time was designated for training people

in how to use the system. The rest would consist

of challenging and helping them to exploit its

capabilities to serve their business needs. The core

team was so convinced that extensive coaching was

essential to the success of the project that they spent

approximately half the pilot’s budget on it.

seemed to create an enthusiasm for doing work in

new ways. Building the platform was a joint effort by

BP and two other companies: Brown & Root, a

Houston-based design and engineering firm with an

office in Wimbledon; and Trafalgar House, a Teesside

construction company. This project would test virtual

teamworking’s usefulness not only in connecting

employees over distance but also in linking separate

organizations. Initially, Trafalgar House expressed

doubt; they questioned whether the value of a faceto-

face meeting could really be provided by viewing

distant team members on a computer monitor.

Certainly, virtual teamworking did not eliminate the

need for meetings. Colleagues still needed them to

establish mutual trust and to hash out important

issues involving large groups. Meetings were,

however, significantly reduced. Having met once,

participants found that videoconferencing maintained

a richness of communication and a sense of direct

personal contact that phone calls, e-mail, or memos

could not match. Before long, even Trafalgar House

praised the system.

But the quantifiable benefits on the Andrew Project

went well beyond reductions in travel expenses and

time. There were also measurable productivity

improvements related to more efficient information

searches and issue resolution, and less “miscommunication.”

One finding was that commitments made

“face-to-face” using the VT stations were honored

much more consistently than commitments made by

phone or mail. (This underscores John Cross’s point,

that the project was principally about behavior, not

technology.) Time frames were also compressed by

things like the VT clients’ application-sharing feature,

which allowed teams to write memos jointly, avoiding

hours or days of sending drafts back and forth. In

sum, virtual teamworking contributed significantly to

the project’s meeting its target date and incurring a

much lower total cost of steadily bringing forward

first oil, a principal milestone in the development of a

new field.

Another unplanned use of the network allowed

teamwork to transcend not only distance but time.

Quarterly, Rodney Chase (head of BP Exploration)

holds a Performance Review where reports are

submitted by managers of all the firm’s assets. In

the past, the review was a mish-mash of live presentations

and, from those managers who could not

make the meeting, prose reports or bullet-point

slides. Four days before the December 1995 Quarterly

Performance Review, it occurred to one of Chase’s

assistants that VT might enrich the review. Working

through the Business Center Network hosts, the VT

team arranged for every asset manager to create a

video report. As well as increasing the review’s

quality, the effort extended its reach. All reports were

taped and subsequently published on CD-ROM, to

make them available to senior managers worldwide.

Next Steps

Based on the success of the pilot, plans were

approved to expand Virtual Teamworking by a significant

number of new clients in 1996. By the end of

1997, the team hopes the equipment will be available

to a high proportion of professional staff—providing

the “critical mass” needed to transform the company

into a far-flung but close-knit federation of business

units and workers.

They are currently developing online videocon-

Unexpected Uses

The VT team was even more encouraged by some

spontaneous and relatively unstructured uses of the

technology they observed. Although the immediate

benefits are less clear than the cost reductions and

productivity increases of the Andrew Project, these

explorations suggest that virtual teamworking is

developing a life of its own, and may have far-ranging

impact on the way work at BP Exploration is done.

For example, VT users began communicating across

projects, with members of the Andrew Project, for

instance, contacting members of the Miller Team. The

connection was important: much of the knowledge

the latter team had gained from a now-mature oil

field was highly applicable to work on the emerging

Andrew field. The collaboration inspired an imaginary

headline—”Scottish oil discovered in Alaska!”—coined

by the core team to proclaim VT’s ability to nullify

distance and transfer knowledge.

The “hosts” of the Business Center Network, meanwhile,

decided to hold weekly “virtual coffee breaks.”

The idea was to try to mimic a knowledge-sharing

opportunity that co-located employees enjoy every

day. Famously, “water cooler conversations” are how

people absorb corporate culture; they also bring

about chance conversations that sometimes spark

creative ideas. With no set agenda announced, these

virtual coffee breaks have attracted up to twenty

people at eight separate locations. Their expectation—

and the company’s—is that the conversations

will pay off in unpredictable ways.

Choosing Your Spots . . . , pg. 45

John Kao, pg. 73


in Action


ferencing “yellow pages” to replace the pilot project’s

simple phonebook. Yellow page listings will include

photographs and short biographies noting individuals’

interests, not just their formal roles. The team also

hopes to integrate a knowledge base into the

system that will guide people with questions to

sources of expertise.

At the same time, BP established a knowledge management

task force, reporting to Director Russell Seal,

whose purpose is to identify and recommend new

opportunities and strategies for organizational learning

and knowledge sharing. The task force will evaluate

knowledge activities inside and outside the

company to determine which should be expanded or

introduced. Building on the objective of the Virtual

Teamworking project, the goal is to improve performance

by promoting behavioral changes that will

make continuous learning and knowledge-sharing the

company norm

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